New Partnership with Gallery Blauwdruck

The collages of Tim Roeloffs are mostly focused on Berlin. Tim always talks about Berlin as the city that inspired him the most and that finally made him an artist.

Allthough he has lived now more than 20 years in Berlin he still shares a special love for his native land Holland.

In conversations with him he often starts to tell funny anecdotes about his hometown Enschede. He tells how his father used to send him and his siblings up to their rooms to do their homework although it was already done just for the sake of it or about his times as a professional tennis coach. Tim loves also to tell you about the oldest tree on the land that he actually uses very often in his photo collages.

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Tim visits as often as possible his native land. Maybe he isn’t aware of it but when he comes back from Holland he always has a special glow on his face. You can defentily say that next to Berlin he has a special place for Holland in his heart too.

For this special reason Klassenfeind Gallery has decided to begin a partnership with a Gallery from Holland in order to work with artists from Tim’s native country.

Our first partnership has been formed with Jorien van Vilsteren’s Gallery Blauwdruck in Zwolle. As a result of that partnership Holland will have Tim Roeloffs back in form of his magnificent art hanging in the Gallery Blauwdruck and we will exhibit the wonderful erotic artwork of dutch artists Marcel Goossen.

Marcel Goossen was born in 1962 in Holland. He is fascinated by the lack of rationality in social and human interactions and also by the individual. In his collages he combines photo copies with charcoal and colours. He models human figures which underline vunerability, aggression and lust.


In his art collages that are now exhibited at Klassenfeind Gallery he concentrates on the subjects of Eroticism and Sexualtity. He tries to widen the defenition of Erotic by focusing on intimicy, vulnerability, love, pain, devotion and loneliness.

Curious? Come see for yourself at Oranienburger Str. 22 in our Klassenfeind Gallery. Not only to see the art work of one amazing dutch artist but of two.

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