28 Photos
BRING YOUR HUMAN – That was our request to all the city dogs out there the last few weeks. And they did!!!
We passed out flyers and hung posters around Berlin to invite dogs and dogowners to our Doggyssage on the 26th of November.
The day came and a lot of dogs brought their owners to our special exhibition organized just for and about dogs. An exhibition in which the famous Tacheles artists Tim Roeloffs, Andreas Schiller and Kemalion and hobby artists Yoko k. Rölofs, Gina Makuth and an anonymous artist present their pawfect doggy art.
A many dogs were so kind to bring their humans to see this art exhbition in our gallery. Their highlight must have been the wooden poles that were standing in the gallery in order to show the metal sculptures of Kemalion. The dogs didn’t miss the opportunity to mark their visit at the Doggyssage for ever.
Our dog visitors were also so friendly to give interviews for the radio journalist of the German radio station SWR 2.
Photographic artist, Stefan Schilling, had a suprise for the humans showing an exclusive record of dogs playing in the Tacheles arthouse of the year 1993. Incredibly cute!
The school class of the “Ludwig-Bechstein-Grundschule” created a wonderful doggy collage which we were delighted to exhibit and which took a lot of attention on Saturday.
Every visitor, be it a dog, be it a human, had a lot of fun and not only at the photo shootings but also talking, playing or drinking. But look for yourself in our photo gallery where you will find more pictures of the event.
Don’t forget that all the taken dog portraits will later on be used for one of Tim’s wonderful collage which will be exhibit in December. Allthough it looks like there will be two collages made of Tim since we had so many dog visitors at Saturday!
We thank each and every doggy who not only brought their humans but also much laughter and fun into our gallery.
If you missed the event you can still enjoy the dog art exhibition until February. We look forward to greet you and your human at our gallery.
15.02.2017 UPDATE:
Unfortunately things sometimes don’t go as expected!
Tim Roeloffs had decided to not only work in the doggy visitors of the Doggyssage into his new collage but also other dogs he has met in the last past years. The result is a spectacular 12 meter long new artpiece. Obviously such a big collage takes a lot of time to be done and was ready when we were already starting our newest exhibiton. For that reason we will be only showing pictures of the new collage. Here in the attached Gallery and on Facebook.
We apologize for the delay and also if some of the dogs are missing in the new collage!